It's no secret that I am a candle obsessive. I love having one lit in my room while I'm doing uni work or tidying a few bits up. When I saw Yankee had released an Autumn range I knew I had to pop to House Of Fraser to have a sniff and came home with four fragrances in the form of the wax/tart melts.
Clockwise from top left: Lake Sunset, November Rain, Fireside Treats & Home Sweet Home |
Lake sunset was the first tart melt I used and is meant to en-capture the fragrance of a sunset walk along a river at I'd imagine some sort of cosy log cabin during the winter time. It's really hard to say what it actually smells like and I have to be honest and say I wont re-purchase this one again, it's just not my cup of tea!
November Rain
Now I haven't burnt November rain yet and they can smell quite different to what they do through the packet obviously but I am really excited about this one as I love the smell outside when it has just rained and this is what it smells like! It's really fresh, clean and calm smelling so I'm looking forward to using this one.
Fireside Treats
Ok this one is just marshmallows. Pure marshmallows. I like it but at the same time its quite strong (this is the second one I tried after Lake Sunset) and very sweet. My sister walked past my room and went "whoa what smells like cake up here" so its definitely noticeable but is great for a sweet lover like me.
Home Sweet Home
Right so this one really excites me. Imagine home baking, cinnamon, and just general cosy-ness in a smell and this is it. I would have burnt this one first if I had my way but it's very very christmasy so I want to hold off a little bit until I can really get into it. Is that sad and pathetic?
Why I chose Tarts Over Jar Candles
The wax will then instantly start to melt while being warmed by the tea light.
Once you have finished burning your tart melt you can blow out the tea light underneath and the liquefied wax will harden.
The brilliant part about this is that you can reuse the wax in the dish as many times as you like, up until you can no longer smell the fragrance really. This makes it so easy to have fragrance in your home if you have a busy lifestyle where you are not always going to have 3 hours to spare to make sure you burn your jar candles correctly!
I am definitely a convert and am looking to get an electric tart burner that plugs in rather than using a tea light as although I love my candles, fire really scares me if i'm honest! And plus I'm not allowed candles in my university house and that would be a great alternative. Let me know if you have tried the electric burner as I am worried of how hot it might get and if that in itself could be a fire hazard at uni?
Thank you for reading! Happy Wednesday x
So I decided to get the tart melts because I was getting tired of ruining my small jar Yankee's and by ruining them I mean I was a victim of the dreaded 'tunneling'. This is where a candle is burnt for under a few hours and is blown out before the wax has melted all the way to the edge of the jar, about 3 hours is usually the required time or sometimes shorter than that for smaller jars. When the candle is re-lit it will only burn up until the last point that it was melted and will continue to do this right until the candle has been used up, leaving a tunnel effect down the center of the candle which wastes alot of your burning hours.
This kept on happening to me as I would think I was going to be at home all day and will be able to let my candle burn for a good amount of time but then I would go out unexpectedly and have to blow the candle out for safety reasons! My mum had a tart burner that she was given as a present a long time ago so I decided to get these instead. I'm not the biggest fan of the tart burner itself as I think it's a bit old fashioned with the flowers but it will do for now until I sort another one out.
How These Work
Place a whole tart melt or break off a few pieces and place in the dish of the tart burner and place an unscented tea light underneath. I kept the remaining pieces in a small plastic bag in my beauty cupboard with the rest of the tarts.
Once you have finished burning your tart melt you can blow out the tea light underneath and the liquefied wax will harden.
The brilliant part about this is that you can reuse the wax in the dish as many times as you like, up until you can no longer smell the fragrance really. This makes it so easy to have fragrance in your home if you have a busy lifestyle where you are not always going to have 3 hours to spare to make sure you burn your jar candles correctly!
I am definitely a convert and am looking to get an electric tart burner that plugs in rather than using a tea light as although I love my candles, fire really scares me if i'm honest! And plus I'm not allowed candles in my university house and that would be a great alternative. Let me know if you have tried the electric burner as I am worried of how hot it might get and if that in itself could be a fire hazard at uni?
Thank you for reading! Happy Wednesday x